The Ezekiel Generation
The Ezekiel Generation
The Father’s Heart for Israel and the Church in the Last Days
The Ezekiel Generation sees the re-establishment of Israel into the family of God and the Churches connection to it as a golden key to the end-time outpouring of the Holy Spirit. As the body of Christ looks to realign itself with Israel in the Spirit and to take on the Father’s burden to rebirth them that the end-time power and plans of God will be loosed upon the earth.
The Ezekiel Generation has been written to help unite the family of God between Jew and Gentile. It sees this spiritual reconnection as a vital occurrence for the kingdom of God in the last days. The Ezekiel Generation delicately addresses many of the issues that stand in the way of this reconnection through the love of God, so His spiritual family can finally come together to glorify the kingdom of God upon the earth.
From within the unity of the Spirit of God, The Ezekiel Generation clarifies the unique roles that both groups are yet to play out in the last days. For Jewish believer’s to be a light to their own people with the churches full support and blessing; for Israel to receive salvation and for the Church to be its salvific agent to help bring this to pass according to the mercy of G-d it has received. For just as Israel was used to give birth to the Church, now in turn to complete the family circle of God, the Church would release that spiritual life back to Israel (see Ez. 37:9-11; Rom. 11:30-32).
The Ezekiel Generation encourages us to see Israel by faith as they will be through the covenants of God and not as they are currently. While most of their spiritual awakening may not actually come down to the end, it does not actually separate us from our participation through Intercession and lifestyle evangelism to see them spiritually redeemed. An area of adjustment that is required in our theology towards these times. The Ezekiel Generation sees the Church as this catalyst that the Spirit of God is now leading us into and lovingly encourages us into our end-time role to help restore Israel in the Spirit.
The Ezekiel Generation sees the re-establishment of Israel into the family of G-d and the Churches connection to it as a golden key to the end-time outpouring of the Holy Spirit. As the body of Christ looks to realign itself with Israel in the Spirit and to take on the Father’s burden to rebirth them that the end-time power and plans of God will be loosed upon the earth.
It is written in 3 parts:
1. To explain the Mystery between Israel and the Church
2. To understand the Disconnection between Jew and Gentile
3. To understand the Reconnection between Jew and Gentile
The Ezekiel Generation is not just another book about the last days, but rather it challenges us to move into the very heart of God to fulfill our end-time roles so that the Lord can return to the earth and finally take full dominion. That neither Jew nor Gentile come into their spiritual inheritance without each other, to rule and reign with Yeshua/Jesus when He returns to the earth (see Is. 61:6-8; Rev. 5:1-10). That by G-d’s own design we have been intricately linked together for end-time purposes, so that we will finally become one.
For this reason, every Christian needs to read this book as it has huge end time consequences for us all and fully explains much of what we need to know at this most crucial time in humankind’s history regarding Israel and the Church. It also fully addresses the reasons why we have not been able to see this up until this point in time.